This is where you’ll find the RULES (yep, we have to have ’em and you need to read ’em) and other information you’ll want/need. Please check back on occasion for updates. There may be a pop-quiz as some point. 


♣ Event will be held rain or shine, hot or cold, windy or calm. That said, in the event of extreme weather, natural disaster, fire, or any other issue beyond our control that could endanger participants or staff, the ride may be shortened, postponed or cancelled without refund.

♣ Packet pick-up is Saturday morning from 6-6:45am under the pavilion at our start/finish venue, Veyo Park, 334 Chad Ranch Road in Veyo. You musts pre-register online by Friday at noon. We do not offer on-site registration.

♣ No refunds or rain checks, sorry. However, for a small fee, you may transfer your entry to another rider up until the Wednesday before the event.

♣ You must be present to pick up your packet. Sorry, but we’re unable to mail packets if you can’t attend.

♣ Event parking is across the street from Veyo Park in the lot of the rodeo grounds. You may also park on Chad Ranch Road; but we’d appreciate if you’ll stick to the north side so that no cars are making u-turns when riders are still finishing.

♣ All riders will line up together at the start line in Veyo Park at 6:55am for announcements and instructions. Official start is 7am.

Riders are responsible for navigation using RWGPS download which we will provide. The course will not be marked.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, we’re riding on open roads, so everyone must obey all traffic laws including staying in your lane of travel (both on pavement and on dirt) and stopping at stop signs. Expect local vehicular and ATV traffic along the route. On paved sections, please use the shoulder when there is one; and if not, ride to the right and be mindful and respectful of traffic approaching from the rear. Please use common sense and remember that safety is your responsibility. You should maintain the same level of attentiveness and alertness during the event as you would while out training on your own.


♦ All riders must pay the event entry fee, and sign the official event waiver without any modification.

♦ All riders must be present 5 minutes prior to the 7am start time for the pre-ride announcements.

♦ At all times while in motion, all riders must wear an properly fitted and fastened helmet.

♦ No headphones or ear buds which cover both ears. If you absolutely must listen to music or a podcast or a guided meditation, please keep one ear free so you can hear what’s going on around you.

♦ Riders are responsible for their own bike maintenance/repairs. Please bring a bike in working order. If you’ve made or had repairs/modifications done right before the ride, be sure and take it for a ride to make sure all is well. Please carry an extra tube (or 2) and plenty of CO2 or a pump. We’ll have some basic tools and a floor pump at aid stations just in case; and will likely have tubes and CO2 for purchase in case of emergency.

♦ Be responsible for your hydration and calorie needs. Refill and refuel at our fully stocked aid stations and/or carry your preferred grub and/or give us drop bags with your favorite treats and we’ll deliver them to the aid stations at mile 22-ish and/or mile 42-ish.

♦ Please respect, be courteous and show gratitude to event staff. They’re out there for you.

♦ Absolutely NO LITTERING! Please pocket your trash (including the tops of gel packs) until you get to an aid station where we’ll have trash bags. If you come upon someone else’s trash (inadvertently dropped of course), we’d greatly appreciate if you’ll pick it up and deliver it to the next trash bag. This event is held under permit by the National Forest Service; and we really want them to want us back next year!

Navigation is your responsibility. We provide downloadable GPS files and a printed turn-by-turn route sheet,  We’ll remind you more than once to please study the route in advance and download the route into your GPS or carry a cell phone with the RideWithGPS app. RideWithGPS is FREE and we provide a special route link which lets you use all paid features. YOU also have to help yourself stay on course. If it’s important to you to be in the results as an official finisher, make sure you complete every inch of the route; and don’t blame anyone but yourself if you don’t.

♦ Thou shalt not urinate in public view. (We apologize for even having to state the obvious, but we’ve had some folks who just don’t get it.)

♦ No support vehicles are allowed on any dirt sections of the route. Please see information below related to relay exchanges and private SAG.

♦ To be listed in the results with an elapsed TIME posted, you must ride every inch of the prescribed course. If you miss a turn and don’t get back on the route, or you cut the course in any way, we trust you to self-report at the finish line or to NOT CROSS THE FINISH LINE with your timing chip on your bike. You’ll be listed as a SOD finisher: Some Other Distance. (If you don’t self-report, and someone narcs on you, that puts us in the unenviable position of DQing you or having to ask you if you cheated. Please don’t do that.)


♠ There are only two “legs” and one exchange point. Rider #1 will start in Veyo and ride to the town of Enterprise. Rider #2 will take over in Enterprise and ride to the finish line.

♠ Rider #2 will drive directly to Enterprise (via Hwy 18) and find a legal and safe parking spot anywhere between 200 W and 550 E (route mile 31.9 to 32.8) and get ready for the exchange. When Rider #1 arrives, Rider #2 will take the number plate and put it on his/her handlebars and then roll out. Rider #1 will pack up and head to the finish line.

♠ Relay teams will be timed, but are not racing for podiums. Please take your time and make a safe exchange while completely stopped to trade off the number plate.

♠ Private SAG is allowed in limited areas on route (pavement only); but definitely not needed as we’ll provide ample support on the route.

♠ Private SAG and/or spectators, may meet their riders in the following locations ONLY:  On the paved section between Enterprise Reservoir and Hwy 219 by using any legal pullout with all 4 wheels completely off the road; in the town of Enterprise by finding a legal and safe parking spot between 200 W and 550 E (route mile 31.9 to 32.8); on Pine Valley Road between Forest Road 11 and 400 E in the town of Central by using any legal pullout with all 4 wheels completely off the road. Private SAG parked in any other location will result in DQ for their rider.

Planet Ultra reserves the right to DQ any rider who violates any of the above rules, or for any other safety violation or other unsportsmanlike conduct, without warning.


Riders who arrive at the Pinto Road aid station (mile 42.6) after 12:30pm will not be allowed to continue on the course; but must ride directly to the finish area in Veyo via Hwy 18. The mostly paved cut-off route is mostly down-hill.

If you don’t make the cut-off time or are otherwise unable to finish, please check in at the finish and report yourself DNF, or send a text to the phone number on the route sheet.


There are 3 aid station along the route stocked with plenty of water and a whole bunch of other snacks and treats. We’ll have soda at the final aid station. You’ll need to stop and pick up what you need. We don’t do hand ups.

Mindful that some folks have super specific nutrition and drink wants/needs, you may bring two brown paper bags (lunch-size like you had in elementary school) filled with your edibles to the start line and we’ll deliver them to the Mile 22 and/or Mile 42 aid stations for you. Nothing breakable in the bags please. Be sure and mark each bag with your name and the preferred location. Please don’t put anything in your drop bag other than things you don’t mind not getting back if you forget to pick it up.


Lunch and dessert, deliciously prepared by our friends at Veyo Pies will be served in the pavilion/picnic area near the finish line from about noon until 4pm.