May 17, 2025

Click here to download and print a paper route sheet.
Start / Finish Location
Veyo Park: Located at 334 Chad Ranch Rd in Veyo, UT.
Parking will be at the Veyo Rodeo grounds across the street from the park.
There are no hotel/motel options in Veyo. Please see below for our host hotel information in St. George.
Host Hotel
Best Western Abbey Inn, 1129 S. Bluff St. in St. George. (435) 652-1234. We don’t have a special block since the event is small… but it’s our favorite place in town!
Ride Check In
Saturday morning 6-6:45am at the pavilion in Veyo Park near the start line.
Start Time
7am sharp! Please be at the start line 15 minutes early for pre-ride announcements.
Time Limit and Cut-off Times
8.5 hours. All racers must be off the course by 3:30pm.
You must reach the Pinto Road aid station by 12:30pm in order to proceed to FR11 to Pine Valley. Riders who miss the cut off are required to take the short cut to Hwy 18 and back on pavement to Veyo.
Personal SAG Vehicles
Personal SAG vehicles will be allowed to meet riders at designated locations (see Rules) on paved sections of the route. Personal SAG are prohibited at all times from driving on dirt sections of course and must proceed directly to meet points on pavement only.

Given the smallish size of the event, we will take both pre-orders with registration and orders at the event; and then place one order AFTER the ride. Jerseys will be mailed 6-8 weeks later. Made by Blackbottoms Cyclewear – $89.
Ride Description and GPS Files
Starting in Veyo, you’ll have a short, mostly downhill warm-up before you hit the dirt and climbing towards Enterprise Reservoir. There are some mighty steep pitches along this section! At mile 22 you’ll hit the pavement and get a nice reprieve as you hammer towards the town of Enterprise. You’re back on the dirt again at mile 34 and will spend some time enjoying the rolling hills and beautiful views in the Pine Valley Wilderness. It’s a fast and fun descent back to the finish line where you’ll be rewarded with a delicious treat from our local favorite, Veyo Pies.
Download GPS files here.